I hope everyone enjoyed having a go with the first couple of challenges of Advent of Code 2021 today. It’s good to see almost everyone having two gold stars on the leaderboard already! By the end of Advent, the leaderboard winner will, of course, be awarded with ultimate prestige.

We’ll continue with these next week, by which time seven more puzzles will be unlocked.

See the previous update for a reminder of login instructions.

It will be fun to compare solutions, so we can record links to the solution repositories of everyone who wants to share here. Please feel welcome to add yours to this list.

Name Repository Language(s)
Ryan https://gitlab.com/eidoom/aoc21 Common Lisp
Mia https://github.com/miarobin/AdventOfCode21 Python
Lois https://github.com/dismalphysicist/AdventOfCode2021 Python
Yannick https://gitlab.com/yannickulrich/aoc-2021 Python, later Haskell
Graeme https://github.com/GraemeWatt/AdventOfCode2021 Python
Guillaume https://github.com/g-rostagni/advent-of-code Python